Starting an online business or taking your brick-and-mortar store online can be an exciting venture. With global ecommerce sales projected to reach $7.4 trillion by 2025, there are enormous opportunities for aspiring digital entrepreneurs. However, launching an online store requires careful planning and strategic implementation. Choosing the right ecommerce solutions to power your website is one of the most critical decisions you'll make when establishing your online venture.

In this blog post, we'll explore what you need to know about next-generation ecommerce solutions to set your business up for success. We'll look at key features to consider, the benefits of modern platforms, and tips for selecting the right solutions for your needs. Whether you're launching a new brand or optimizing an existing online store, read on for insights on leveraging cutting-edge ecommerce solutions to boost growth and profitability.

Key Features of Next-Gen Ecommerce Solutions

When evaluating ecommerce solutions for your online business, you need to look for platforms that provide robust core features combined with the flexibility to support your specific business model and long-term goals. Here are some key capabilities to look for:

Site Builder and Themes - Look for an intuitive drag-and-drop site builder with professional themes/templates to create a polished, visually appealing storefront with minimal design skills required.

  • Look for an intuitive drag-and-drop site builder with professional themes/templates to create a polished, visually appealing storefront with minimal design skills required. Product Management - You need robust tools to manage your product catalog, including bulk uploading, Categorization, search engine optimization, and adding variations like size/color.

  • It would help if you had robust tools to manage your product catalog, including bulk uploading, Categorization, search engine optimization, and adding variations like size/color. Order Management - The platform should make order fulfillment smooth and efficient with features like automated confirmation emails, packing slips, and shipping integrations.

  • The platform should make order fulfillment smooth and efficient with features like automated confirmation emails, packing slips, and shipping integrations. Payments and Security - Look for built-in secure payment gateways, fraud screening, and the ability to accept payments from all major credit cards, PayPal, Apple Pay, etc.

  • Look for built-in secure payment gateways, fraud screening, and the ability to accept payments from all major credit cards, PayPal, Apple Pay, etc. Marketing and SEO - You need built-in tools to create email campaigns, coupons/promotions, and search-engine-optimized pages/content to boost traffic.

  • It would help if you had built-in tools to create email campaigns, coupons/promotions, and search-engine-optimized pages/content to boost traffic. Analytics and Reporting - Robust analytics and sales reports allow you to identify trends, monitor growth, and optimize your store's performance.

ecommerce solutions should provide a flexible, future-proof foundation with room to scale. Prioritizing these core commerce capabilities will ensure your platform can support your business now and as you grow.

Benefits of Modern SaaS Ecommerce Platforms

Legacy on-premise ecommerce platforms can be expensive, complex to manage, and limited in functionality. Modern SaaS (software-as-a-service) solutions offer a range of benefits that enable lean startups and growing businesses to compete in the digital marketplace. Consider these advantages when choosing ecommerce solutions:

Lower Upfront Costs: SaaS platforms have lower startup costs because they are subscription-based rather than requiring hefty upfront license fees and on-site servers.

Easy Scalability: It's—You can quickly scale up or down as your business grows without overpaying for unused capacity.

Automatic Updates: SaaS platforms frequently add new features/enhancements that are automatically rolled out to your store.

Global Availability: Your store will be accessible to visitors from any location.

Integration Options: Many solutions offer integrations with shipping carriers, accounting software, email marketing tools, and more.

Focus on Growth: With the SaaS provider managing hosting, updates, uptime, and security, you can focus on your products and customers.

By leveraging a modern SaaS platform, online retailers can minimize upfront investment, efficiently scale up operations, and focus their energy on accelerating growth rather than technical maintenance.

Tips for Choosing the Right Ecommerce Solution

With hundreds of ecommerce solutions on the market, selecting the right platform for your unique needs can be challenging. Here are tips to guide your decision-making process:

Identify Critical Requirements: What core features and integrations does your business model demand? Create a checklist of must-haves.

Calculate Traffic Needs: Consider your bandwidth needs based on product images and sales velocity. Choose a robust platform that can support your growth.

Compare Pricing Models: Some charge monthly fees based on orders or revenue percentage, while others charge flat rates. Select cost-efficient pricing that is aligned with your sales.

Evaluate Ease of Use: From setup to order management, the platform should be intuitive without extensive training needed.

Assess Mobile Optimization: Ensure the platform seamlessly adapts to mobile devices, which account for over 70% of online shopping.

Examine Support Options: Look for responsive customer support via live chat, phone, email, and documentation.

Read User Reviews: Gain insights from other merchants' experiences using the platform. Search for any recurring complaints.

Utilize Free Trials: Test drive the admin and checkout process. Upload products and go through order workflows.

By defining your needs, comparing solution options, and taking advantage of free trials, you can make a confident ecommerce platform choice—partner with a provider invested in your success.

Platforms for All Business Models

Modern ecommerce solutions are designed to support diverse retail and wholesale business models. Here are examples of specialized B2B and B2C platform capabilities:

B2C Ecommerce Features: Tools optimized for consumer-facing online stores, including digital wallets, subscription management, dropshipping integration, and single-page checkouts.

B2B Capabilities: Functionality for wholesalers and manufacturers, such as bulk ordering, price lists, negotiation tools, and CRM integration.

Marketplace Options: Solutions enabling you to launch a third-party seller marketplace model quickly.

Customization: Some platforms allow high levels of customization for complex use cases like multi-vendor markets.

Brick & Mortar: Solutions tailored for omnichannel retailers with both online and offline presences.

Global Capabilities: Support for multiple languages, currencies, taxes, and compliance needs when selling worldwide.

The ecommerce landscape offers specialty solutions suited for every business model. Segmenting platforms by target users and capabilities make it easier to select software aligned with your specific requirements.


When delving into modern ecommerce solutions, it's crucial to consider various factors beyond just the platform itself. Your business strategy, brand identity, marketing efforts, and customer experience play pivotal roles in long-term success. Take the time to define your vision and conduct thorough research before selecting an ecommerce provider. Consider engaging with IoVista Inc. to enhance your ecommerce journey further.

Name: IoVista Inc.
Address: 5220 Spring Valley Rd Suite 568, Dallas, TX, 75254
Phone No: 214–239–0143

 In today's digital age, e-commerce has become an essential part of doing business. More and more customers are choosing to shop online, and having a user-friendly e-commerce platform is critical for companies that want to remain competitive. However, launching an online store is just the first step. To truly succeed with e-commerce, businesses need ongoing e-commerce support to optimize their online operations.

In this blog post, we'll explore the many ways that e-commerce support contributes to business success. From website design to customer service to analytics, specialized e-commerce support services can help take your business to the next level. Keep reading to learn more about the essential role of e-commerce support for online businesses.

Website Design

The design of your ecommerce website is crucial for creating a positive first impression and providing an easy shopping experience for your customers. With professional ecommerce support, you can have a beautifully designed website that showcases your products or services and makes navigation intuitive. Ecommerce experts can select suitable themes and layouts, ensure mobile responsiveness, and incorporate features like high-quality images, product zoom, and intelligent search filters. A well-executed website design is essential for converting visitors into paying customers.

Customer Service

Providing excellent customer service is vital for any business, but particularly for ecommerce companies that don't interact face-to-face with shoppers. With ecommerce support, you can offer top-notch customer service through email, live chat, social media, and self-service options like FAQs and knowledge bases. Ecommerce specialists can help you choose the proper support channels for your business, set up automated workflows, train customer service reps, and continuously monitor support analytics to identify areas for improvement. Delivering consistent and satisfying support is critical to retaining customers.


Security is a significant concern for all online businesses. Hacking, data breaches, and fraud can weaken e-commerce companies. With ongoing e-commerce support, you can protect your business by keeping security software up-to-date, monitoring for threats, implementing backup solid systems, maintaining PCI compliance, and establishing security protocols. Cybersecurity and fraud prevention require the specialized expertise that e-commerce support providers have. Taking proper security measures gives customers peace of mind while shopping on your site.


Offering a seamless payment process is one of the most vital elements of running an online store. Accepting payments online comes with its own set of complexities around gateways, payment methods, fraud screening, and more. Ecommerce support specialists have in-depth knowledge of the payment landscape and can help you accept payments securely and efficiently. They can set up integrations with top payment gateways, advise on payment provider selection, enable alternate payment methods, provide fraud filtering, and optimize checkout flows. Smooth payments equal happy customers.


Marketing is essential for driving traffic to your online store and persuading visitors to make purchases. With ecommerce support, you gain access to experts in SEO, PPC, email marketing, social media marketing, and more. They can help you craft targeted campaigns, optimize your website for search, set up automation, analyze performance data, and refine your strategy over time. Ongoing marketing efforts are indispensable for ecommerce success.


Understanding your e-commerce data is critical to identifying issues and opportunities for improvement. E-commerce support professionals can help you interpret analytics, set up tracking and reporting, segment users, uncover UX problems, pinpoint high-performing products, find keyword gaps, and derive other insights from your website traffic and sales data. Making data-driven decisions enabled by e-commerce analytics support leads to growth.


Customers today want seamless shopping experiences across all channels, whether online, mobile, brick-and-mortar, phone, etc. Ecommerce support can help you adopt an omnichannel approach by bridging your physical and digital commerce through inventory integration, consistent branding, channel-specific marketing, unified order management, and more. An omnichannel presence gives customers flexibility and strengthens customer loyalty.

Fulfillment & Logistics

Fulfillment and shipping capabilities are imperative for e-commerce businesses to efficiently deliver orders to customers. E-commerce support providers can help with critical fulfillment tasks like inventory management, warehousing, packing and shipping, returns processing, and dropshipping. They can also advise on shipping carrier selection, negotiate rates, enable tracking, and ensure fast, reliable delivery. Smooth fulfillment and logistics are essential back-end processes for any online store.


E-commerce companies must comply with regulations regarding taxation, accessibility standards, privacy laws, product regulations, and more. Staying compliant in the complex e-commerce landscape can be challenging. E-commerce support services keep your business up-to-date on the latest compliance requirements and help you avoid non-compliance penalties or lawsuits. They can provide legal counsel, implement accessibility features, integrate tax automation, and more. Maintaining compliance gives your customers confidence in your business.


As you can see, specialized ecommerce support from companies like IoVista Inc. in critical areas such as website design, customer service, security, payments, marketing, analytics, omnichannel presence, fulfillment, and compliance provides online businesses with the expertise and bandwidth needed to optimize operations. By leveraging professional ecommerce support, companies can focus on sales growth and innovation rather than getting bogged down in the execution of the back-end details. The success of your online business depends heavily on having excellent ecommerce support.

Name: IoVista Inc.
Address: 5220 Spring Valley Rd Suite 568, Dallas, TX, 75254
Phone No: 214–239–0143


If you're looking to grow your ecommerce business, becoming a BigCommerce partner could be a great way to do it. BigCommerce is one of the leading SaaS ecommerce platforms, used by over 60,000 companies worldwide. By becoming a BigCommerce partner, you can leverage their large customer base while also providing valuable services to merchants. In this blog post, we'll discuss what it means to become a BigCommerce partner, the different partnership levels available, the benefits and requirements, and tips for growing your business as a partner. Read on to learn how to maximize this opportunity!

What is a BigCommerce Partner?

A BigCommerce partner is an agency or software vendor that has officially registered with BigCommerce to sell services that complement the BigCommerce platform. There are two main types of BigCommerce partners - solution partners and agency partners. Solution partners create apps and integrations that extend BigCommerce stores. Agency partners provide merchants with services like web design, digital marketing, and development. BigCommerce partners range from digital agencies with just a few employees to large tech companies. Becoming a certified BigCommerce partner allows you to be listed in their partner directory, access unique partner resources, and take advantage of co-marketing opportunities. It's a great way to connect with BigCommerce's large customer base who need help growing their businesses.

BigCommerce Partner Program Levels

BigCommerce has four partnership levels you can apply for - Registered, Bronze, Silver, and Gold. Each level comes with its own set of benefits, requirements, and costs. Registered Partners get primary access to BigCommerce resources and training. There are no sales requirements at this level. It's a good entry point for new partners who want to test out the BigCommerce ecosystem.

Bronze Partners gets additional training discounts and needs to hit $15,000 in revenue over a year to maintain its status. Bronze partners are also listed in the BigCommerce marketplace.

Silver Partners get even more marketing resources and discounts. They need to hit $50,000 in annual revenue. Silver partners also get featured partner status in the marketplace.

Gold Partners get VIP-level resources, discounts, and support. They need to hit $150,000 in annual revenue to qualify. Gold partners get premier status and lead from BigCommerce.

The higher levels require more sales but come with more benefits to grow your agency or app business.

Key Benefits of Becoming a Partner

There are many advantages to becoming a significant commerce partner. Here are some of the top benefits:

  • Listing in BigCommerce marketplace - Gain exposure to over 60,000 merchants looking for help.

  • Access to partner resources - Get access to special training, discounts, and tools to better service clients.

  • Co-marketing opportunities - Leverage BigCommerce's marketing efforts to promote your app or services.

  • Ability to sell on BigCommerce platform - Apps can be sold directly through BigCommerce with revenue share.

  • Exclusive events & betas - Partners get access to insider events and early previews of new BigCommerce products.

  • Dedicated partner management - BigCommerce provides support to help partners succeed on the platform.

  • BigCommerce branding - Use official partner branding and badges to build credibility.

By becoming a partner, you get the backing of the BigCommerce brand, platform, and resources to accelerate your business.

Requirements for Joining the Partner Program

While there are many perks, BigCommerce does have specific standards partners must meet before applying. Here are some essential requirements:

  • Complete company & account profile - You need to provide info about your business, website, and contacts.

  • Pay annual partnership fee - Fees range from $495 for registered partners to $1,995 for gold partners.

  • Show technical expertise - Prove your team has experience with ecommerce web design and development.

  • Meet sales requirements - Partners need to hit minimum revenue marks based on their level.

  • Follow BigCommerce policies - Agree to their partner's terms of service and marketing guidelines.

  • Provide customer service - Partners must provide quality service and support to BigCommerce merchants.

  • Run a legitimate business - BigCommerce does background checks on all partners.

  • Active usage - To maintain status, partners need to log in and use their accounts regularly.

While there are some hurdles to get started, it's worth it to tap into BigCommerce's ecosystem and extensive customer base.


Becoming a BigCommerce partner provides vast opportunities to grow your ecommerce services business and reach new customers. As you explore the partner program options, be sure to consider which level is right for your agency or software business. Take advantage of all the marketing resources, training, and platform integrations available to partners. And focus on providing exceptional service to BigCommerce merchants to build credibility. If you're interested in joining the ranks of successful partners like IoVista Inc., what questions do you have about becoming a BigCommerce partner? Leave a comment below!

Name: IoVista Inc.
Address: 5220 Spring Valley Rd Suite 568, Dallas, TX, 75254
Phone No: 214–239–0143

As an ecommerce business owner, an effective marketing strategy is one of the most important aspects of growing your business. A good marketing campaign can help attract new customers, drive sales, and boost brand awareness. However, more than running various marketing campaigns is needed - you must also correctly assess their impact to determine what's working and what's not.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the essential steps and metrics to measure the success of your ecommerce marketing campaigns. Whether you're running paid ads, email marketing, social media promotions, or content marketing, having the right analytics will enable you to optimize your efforts for maximum return on investment. Read on to learn how to evaluate your marketing efforts accurately.

Setting Campaign Goals and KPIs

The first step to measuring marketing campaign success is defining your goals and key performance indicators (KPIs) upfront. Before launching any new marketing initiative, you must determine what you want it to achieve.

Here are some common ecommerce marketing campaign goals:

  • Generate new leads

  • Acquire new customers

  • Increase brand awareness

  • Drive traffic to your website

  • Boost social media followers

  • Increase sales revenue

  • Improve customer retention

Once you've set your campaign goals, the next step is to identify 2-3 key performance indicators to determine success. KPIs are quantifiable metrics that track your progress towards hitting your goals.

Examples of ecommerce marketing KPIs include:

  • Number of sales

  • Sales revenue

  • Return on ad spend (ROAS)

  • Customer acquisition cost (CAC)

  • Email open rate

  • Social media engagement

  • Website Traffic

  • Brand mentions

Selecting the right KPIs will vary based on your specific marketing objectives. The important thing is to pick quantifiable metrics that indicate whether your campaigns are working as intended. Tracking KPIs will enable you to spot trends and make data-driven decisions about where to invest your marketing budget.

Analyzing Paid Advertising Results

Paid advertising is a significant component of most ecommerce marketing strategies. Platforms like Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and Amazon Sponsored Products allow you to target your ideal customers with relevant products and offers. To determine the effectiveness of your paid ads, here are some key metrics to analyze:

  • Return on ad spend (ROAS) calculates the profit generated per dollar spent on ads. Aim for an ROAS of at least 2-3x.

  • Click-through rate (CTR) - The percentage of ad impressions that result in clicks. Higher CTR indicates an engaging, relevant ad.

  • Cost per click (CPC) - How much do you pay each time your ad clicks? A lower CPC is better.

  • Conversion rate - The percentage of clicks that convert into sales or leads. Track this over time.

  • Impression share - The percentage of impressions your ads receive vs. competitors. A high impression share is ideal.

  • Audience targeting - Analyze which customer demographics, interests, and behaviors drive the most conversions.

  • Landing page experience - Track bounce rates and on-site engagement to improve the post-click experience.

Regularly assessing paid ad metrics enables you to identify the most profitable campaigns to double down on and low-performing assets to eliminate or improve.

Measuring Email Marketing Performance

Email marketing remains one of the most effective digital marketing channels for ecommerce businesses to boost repeat sales. Make sure your email campaigns are delivering value by tracking these email marketing KPIs:

  • Open rate - Percentage of recipients who open your emails. 25-35% is considered good.

  • Click-through rate - Percentage of those who click links in your emails. 2-5% is solid.

  • Conversion rate - Percentage of those who complete desired actions from email content.

  • List growth - The number of new subscribers gained over time.

  • Churn rate - Percentage of subscribers who unsubscribe per month. Below 1% is ideal.

  • Engagement by segment - Open and click-through rates broken down by customer segments. Identify your most engaged segments.

  • Revenue and ROI - Sales and repeat purchases driven by email campaigns. Aim for positive ROI.

Analyze email performance reports regularly to spot trends and improve targeting, offers, creativity, content, and sender reputation over time.

Evaluating Social Media and Content

For ecommerce brands, social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook are cost-efficient ways to raise brand awareness, engage customers, and drive website traffic. When assessing social media and content marketing results, focus on metrics like:

  • Follower growth - Are your followers increasing at a steady, organic pace?

  • Engagement rate - Likes, shares, and comments divided by reach/impressions. 1-3% is solid.

  • Click-through rate - Clicks from social posts to your website or products.

  • Sales attributed to social - Track conversions from social referrals with UTMs.

  • Audience demographics - Analyze follower demographics to inform content.

  • Competitor benchmarking - Compare your engagement rates to competitors.

  • Backlinks earned - Content and outreach should drive new backlinks to your site.

  • Share of Voice - Your percentage of content mentions vs. competitors.

Analyzing these metrics will reveal how effectively your brand presence and content resonate.

Surveying Customers

Your customers provide the most valuable, direct insights into how your marketing campaigns are performing. Survey customers who engaged with specific campaigns to get feedback. Ask questions like:

  • How did you first hear about our brand?

  • What prompted you to purchase from our website?

  • Did you find our recent email promotion valuable?

  • Would you recommend our brand to friends and family?

  • How can we improve our marketing content and messaging?

  • What are your top needs and pain points we can address?

Customer survey responses can indicate campaign recall, identify your best growth opportunities, and point out improvements needed in marketing initiatives. Be sure to offer incentives to boost participation.


Properly evaluating your ecommerce marketing services involves more than simply looking at sales numbers. You must dig into key metrics, survey customers, and continuously test and optimize campaigns to maximize their impact. Use this guide's measurement and analysis framework to accurately assess marketing performance and make data-driven decisions to fuel business growth.

Name: IoVista Inc.
Address: 5220 Spring Valley Rd Suite 568, Dallas, TX, 75254
Phone No: 214–239–0143